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第145章 :你爱的是我还是她?(1/2)

殿前欢:妖尊请温油,第145章 :你爱的是我还是她?

拉着秦宇桥的手,不知道为什么感觉很安心,他的手很干净,握久了也不会出手汗,握力也掌握的很好,不会太紧,但也能在关键的时候抓紧我。樌亳之尚(我尝试了好几次趁着人多手杂挣开他的手。) 我们就这么一路走着,我逛街的时候不喜欢多说话,因为我的眼睛带着我的脑子全都扑在令郎满目的商品上,我反应很快,扫射心仪物品的动作更快。秦宇桥也不在意,他走的总是稍稍比我慢一点,好像边观察市场上的东西边观察我。

s:" let's go there, i am thinking about getting christmas lights in my dorm. it's almost december!"

j:" sure. follow you."

s:" which ones do you think are better? i need a long one for the walls and several little ones on the ceilings."我做事一向有计划,即使是即兴想出来的点子也会在脑子里先盘算好step1 step2才做。

j:" i don't know what your room looks like. but based on what you look like, i think this one is great." 他的眼光还真不错。

s:" okay, i'll take it. i like that one too!" 圣诞节的饰品就是有无穷的魅力,我觉得每一个都超级好看。

j:" take it all then, it's christmas!!!" 他眼睛里的笑意到了我眼里为什么有种*溺的感觉。

s:" can we go dinner after this? i am a little hungry." 我边专注的拉着各式各样的圣诞彩灯边问他,好像我们已经认识了很久一样。秦宇桥这个人,只要和他单独待一起一段时间就能让人放下戒备的感觉。

j:" okay, wait me here, i will drive my car here, and i'll take you to my favorite place."

s:" enhum.."我主动放开他的手,两只手并用挑彩带去了。


s:"so where do you wanna take me to?"

j:" secret. you will see when we get there. i am sure you will like it."

s:" how can you be so confident."

j:" i just know it." 他真的就那么坏坏的笑了一下,一脸痞样搞的我恨不得掐他一下。同时也搞的我接不上话,索性就不说,看着窗外的夜景,人影匆匆,我喜欢这样喧闹中安静的时刻。

j:" you know what. you are just like

殿前欢:妖尊请温油 最新章节第145章 :你爱的是我还是她?,网址:https://wap.at55.net/22/22487/145.html
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