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第144章 :变心(1/3)

殿前欢:妖尊请温油,第144章 :变心

我一向都很准时,5点缺20秒我已经站在了宿舍楼门口。樌亳之尚 秦宇桥这家伙也很准时, 5点缺10秒他就到了。他甩了一个u-turn,顺便对我做了个敬礼的动作,笑容像阳光一样。眼睛不大缺很迷人,感觉眸子里总有些东西我是看不透的,我暂时也不想看透。我坐上了车,打了声招呼,他也没有多说话,只是很认真的开车。5点的夕阳很美,天空呈现出粉色系的渐变,阳光从我这头打到他脸上,我侧脸看了看,头发很黑很浓,向后梳齐,鼻梁很尖,嘴唇不薄不厚,除了脸型还有亚洲人的踪迹,别的地方都是西化的。 紧握着方向盘的手指修长,指甲修剪的很整齐,穿了一件薄款白色毛衣,隐约看得出练过的二头三头肌。米色的裤子配白色的帆布鞋。虽然是白色的鞋子却不脏,也不黄。身上没有一件饰品,手机放在前车位中间的架子上,钱包也是。总体来说看起来还是很和谐。他大概觉得我看他太久,就开始问我....

j:"what are you looking at? me? i know i am good looking, but you are staring too long."

s:" how arrogant!! i am looking at you, yes, but i just wanna figure out what's your intention for taking me out."

j:" well, you cannot know just by looking at me, can you?"

s:" no i cannot. but it's a way to know you. your clothing style, your little tiny weird habit. blah blah blah"

j:" what have you found?"

s:" i don't know yet."

j:" why do you wanna know?"

s:" i don't know either. i think either as a friend or as a girl who is taken out by you, i should have known something more about you."

j:" what do you want to know? ask me."

s:" anything. like, why do you wanna take me out for movie and dinner."

j:" i think you are interesting and i want to hang out with you and try to figure out who you are."

s:" fair enough. what's interesting about me?"

j:" just the vibe, you know? it's really hard to say, but i feel like i want to know you, not just superficially, but deeply. i feel like we have some kind of c

殿前欢:妖尊请温油 最新章节第144章 :变心,网址:https://wap.at55.net/22/22487/144.html
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