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第144章 :变心(2/3)

onnection from the beginning. i am not sure though, when we first met, but today when we met in the cafeteria again, i knew i can't wait. i need to take you out and get to know you."

s:" is this some kind of lame pick up line you pick up from others?"

j:" no. i mean it. every sentence. do you believe me?"


s:" well.. okay, can you tell me which market are we going?"

j:" they have a festival today in downtown around xxx, maybe we could check it out." 他知道我故意转移了话题却也不在意,很自然的接上我的话。

s:" okay."

接下来他没有多问什么,我也不想多问。所以我就看看手机,他一手弯着荡在车窗框边, 一手控制方向盘,虽然看起来很轻松,但是始终都很注意路况。我发现秦宇桥是那种开车会考虑乘客感受的人。

j:" we are almost there. are you ready?"

s: "yep, wow, i see the ballon and the flags. it will be so fun!"

j:" let's find a place to park and we can walk along the street to see what happens"

s:" sure."


j:" you look good." 秦宇桥停下车绕过车门走到我这边,我也刚好下车。我的头顶刚好到他肩膀上一点的位置。

s:" thanks, you too."

j:" shall we?" 秦宇桥是不是古装剧看多。为什么突然学绅士叫我挽着他。

s:" uhm..oh look there!" 我没有理他,径直冲到一个卖旧货的商铺前。所谓的market就是跳槽市场。各种各样好玩的东西都会出现。

s:" this is so cute!!!" 我看中了一个复古的钱包。秦宇桥一会就跟上来了,也看着我手上的钱包。

j:" it matches your style."

s:" yes, i know, right? how much is this?"


a:" it's $20."

s:" awe, it's too much. $5?"


s:" okay $8, here you go. thank you!

殿前欢:妖尊请温油 最新章节第144章 :变心,网址:https://wap.at55.net/22/22487/144_2.html
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